救出成功・金鹿の学級 Rescued (Golden Deer)
(イエリッツァの部屋 夕方)
Jeritza's Room | Afternoon
マリアンヌ: 2人とも生きてる……良かった……。
Marianne: They're both alive... Thank goodness.
クロード: おいおい、フレンを見つけたのか!?やったじゃないか、みんな!
Claude: You actually found Flayn?! Nice work!
ローレンツ: 立ち会えなくて残念だったな、クロード。死神騎士との死闘、見せてあげたかったよ。
Lorenz: It is a shame you could not be there, Claude. I would have liked for you to witness our mortal struggle against the Death Knight.
Choice 1: 逃げられたが…… He got away.
Choice 2: 倒せなかったが…… We could not defeat him.
クロード: いや、フレン救出の目的は達したんだ。十分、十分! みんな、ご苦労さん!
Claude: Hey, at least we managed to rescue Flayn and complete our mission. That's what counts, right? Right! Excellent work, everyone!
クロード: じゃ、そこで伸びてるお嬢さん方を医務室に運んじまうとするか。
Claude: Now then, let's get these limp ladies to the infirmary, shall we?
ラファエル: お安いご用だ!2人まとめて、オデが担いで……。
Raphael: No problem. I can carry them both at once.
リシテア: 乱暴にしては駄目です、ラファエル!1人ずつ、ゆっくり運びましょう。
Lysithea: Be gentle with them, Raphael! Let us carry each one individually. And slowly.
クロード: いやあ、あんたの笑顔を見られてほっとしてるよ。実に嬉しそうな表情だ。
Claude: You know, Teach, seeing you smile sure makes me feel better. You look happy for a change.
Hm? Do you really not know? Well, truth is, I've never seen you smile before now.
At times, it made me wonder whether you were even human. But I suppose that was just my imagination running wild.
Anyhow, we've probably kept Seteth waiting about as long as he can stand. Let's hurry up and tell him the great news.